Make your own CoCo’s Curry

One thing I really miss about living in Japan is the curry. Not to mention, one of my favorite places to eat curry was CoCo’s Curry. I think I must have had curry at least once a week for three years. I had quite to the belly to prove it too!

Well, since moving here to England I have been looking for ways to get my hands on some CoCo’s curry. Luckily my sister still lives there and she got me some of the curry-in-a-box type deals that they sell at CoCo’s restaurants. I had her send me about twenty boxes of the beef curry and I think she might be sending more soon. I know they had them in Okinawa for sale somewhere in the front when you first walk in. If you are really curious about it, just ask someone that works there and hopefully they can hook you up.

The whole process only takes only a couple minutes, if you don’t count the time it takes to make some rice. I usually go with some short or medium grain sticky rice to make the moment taste like the “real deal”. The curry comes in a bag that you can either empty into a microwaveable safe container or you can just put the bag in some hot water on the stove. I usually microwave it and it takes roughly two minutes.

Let me just say this about the end result…it is awesome! It is not quite that same curry that I love and miss, but it is far better than I imagined it to be. I would say that it is better than the actual CoCo’s Curry I had when I was in Hawaii. I sometimes cook a chicken patty and add it to the mix so I can pretend I am having Chicken Katsu Curry, haha.

If anyone reading this knows of a place to order this online, please leave a comment and let me know. I would literally kill a man for some real CoCo’s Curry. Well, maybe not kill someone but you get the idea. So, if you know someone living in Japan and you need your fix too, just have them send you some curry in a box from CoCo’s.


Brill Windmill

I wanted to get outside and take some photo’s recently so I packed up my gear and headed to Brill Windmill. Brill Windmill is located in the historic Buckinghamshire village of Brill. Although the windmill is not operational, there are continued restoration projects in the future.

Thought to be one of the oldest windmills is Britain, Brill Windmill was erected sometime in the 1680′s. It is considered to be one of the best preserved post-mills still standing from the 17th century.

The windmill itself is open to the public every Sunday during the summer. However, you can still go and take pictures of the windmill and surrounding countryside during the week. I believe I went and visited during the middle of the week sometime and it was just perfect. I didnt have to pay admission but I have seen some websites stating an admission fee of £2.00.

For more information you can check out the Brill Village website.

Still no Internet

I wonder how people communicated before the Internet. For us, it will be at least another week or so before our ISP hooks our Internet connection up at our house. I signed up with BT Broadband about a week or two ago and cant understand why its going to take a month to hook up an ADSL connection. In the mean time, we travel to our local library to use their free Internet.

I miss the speed of a direct fiber connection that we gave up when we left Okinawa and the incredible work ethic of the Japanese. No way the Japanese would let me sit around for a month without connectivity…no way!

Hopefully September will be the month we can continuously update our facebooks/mypsaces and talk on VOIP again. Because I don’t know how else it would be possible for two people to communicate without the Internet.

Wait, I just thought of a brilliant way to communicate with our geographically challenged friends and family…smoke signals! That will definitely work for sure.

My New Photography and Beer Project

You may be wondering what photography and beer have in common. Well, the short answer is they are both things that I enjoy a lot. This got me thinking that maybe I should start taking photos of some of the beer I get to enjoy so I can have a personal record of the ones I like.

Let me start by stating that the only thing I know about beer is that I like it. So, please do not read my reviews and base your beer tasting experiences off them.  This is just a place for me to share what I think specific beers. Who knows, a couple of years from now I may actually know what I am talking about.

Shortly you will begin to see pictures and brief overviews of each new beer I taste. This entire idea/project all started because I recently discovered a Belgium beer that ended up being so delicious that I wanted to write about it here on my blog.

So…stay tuned!